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Friday, June 4, 2010

Ka-nock Ka-nock!

Dear Eager,

It just so happens, at one point in my life, I happen to have been faced with the very same problem as you are now. Can you believe somebody close to me failed to realize just how funny I actually am?

Here's what I did to combat it: every time I saw or spoke to this person I would tell them a new joke. I'll give you a few to start off with.

This is my favorite joke:

Three statisticians go hunting and they spot a deer. The first statistician takes a shot and misses a foot to the right. The second takes a shot and misses a foot to the left. The third guy starts jumping up and down yelling "I got it! I got it!"

HA! Still gets me every time.

Or how bout this for a little foreign humour:

Q:Why do the french only have one egg for breakfast?
A: Because, in France, one egg is an oeuf! (pronounced like enough)

If I could write in a French laugh here, I would, trust me.

These are just to help you get the ball rolling, if you need more just ask me or use the reference site for A Prairie Home Companion: Pretty Good Jokes (they're being modest). But remember its important to really drive home the point, don't lighten up on the jokes until you're sure that your sister gets just how funny you are. Its good to catch her off guard, too. Might I suggest calling her at six in the morning and starting the conversation with:

A guy walks into a bar with a set of jumper cables. The bartender takes one look at him, sighs, and says, "Alright, I'll serve ya', but don't try an start anything".

Cue the obligatory cymbal crash!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Reader Question #1

Dear Molly:

I just learned that my sister thinks that I am not funny. Not funny like a boring old college professor who recycles knock-knock jokes not funny. I think she may be referencing my third grade paper where I informed my teacher that among the genetic traits I inherited was my mother’s lack of sense of humor. However, I would like to point out that years of practice and education have overcome what the genes dealt me.

How can I make her realize how wrong she is?

Eager to set the record straight,
