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Friday, February 4, 2011

They Taste Like Chicken

Dear Molly,

As you know, I'm very concerned for the viral outbreak which will render otherwise affable human beings hungry and desirous for the taste of other human beings' flesh and blood.  What was originally conceived as a joke in my mind has now become a very real and pressing fear of mine.  And yours, I think.  You may not take it quite so seriously as I do, though.

One of my coworkers, when asked if he was "into" zombies, replied evenly and without skipping a beat: "I'm not into zombies; I acknowledge their very real presence in the world."  I thought this was a fantastic retort.  (Just wanted to share that with you.)

However, I just want to stipulate that I don't necessarily believe those infected will be called zombies, per se.  That term finds a better home in the archives of popular culture, I think.  (Though that is a tremendously stupendous series.)  Nor do I really think we will be aware it's happening (the outbreak) until it's much too late.  As usual.  Not until our mothers try to chew our arms off, that is.

That's another fear of mine.  It's one thing to be surrounded by animated dead people who want to tear you to shreds and eat you limb by limb... it's an entirely other thing for those people to be your mom and dad.  It makes me really sad to think about, actually.  I'm feeling a little despondent right now.

Ho hum.

One of the most confounding and profound things to contemplate should this whole scenario go down -- sorry, when this whole scenario goes down -- is what you would do if you were surrounded by a whole mass of them, your mom and dad included in that mass, with only a couple bullets left in your gun.  Assuming you have a gun and ammo to begin with.  What would you do?  Would you kill yourself?  Or would you destroy at least two of them with your bullets before letting them tear you apart?  What if it was you and your best friend... and s/he became infected... would you kill her/him right away, or spend as much time together as you can before s/he turns?

Oh... here comes that wave of depression again.  I am terribly sad thinking about this, and I need your advice as soon as possible.  Now I think I'm going to go crawl under the covers and have a good cry, thinking about my mom wanting to chew me to pieces.


Sunday, January 23, 2011